Sankofa Pilgrimage
You are invited to participate in a Sankofa* Pilgrimage
October 16-20, 2024, sponsored by the Synod of Lakes and Prairies and
co-led by Director of Leadership Development, Deb DeMeester.
We will visit sites of the Civil Rights Movement in Tennessee,
Mississippi, and Alabama, as well as sites which document
the history of slavery in the United States. Part of this pilgrimage
will be exploring the role of the Presbyterian Church and what we
can learn from the past to carry into the future. Our itinerary includes
visits to a Presbyterian Church in Birmingham, whose pastor signed the letter that provoked Martin Luther King Jr's. Letter from the Birmingham Jail, as well as Stillman College, an Historically Black College affiliated with the PC(USA).
The cost for participants will be $1,300. This covers meals, snacks, hotels with double-occupancy, bus transportation from and back to Memphis, admission into all sites, and leadership. There is an additional fee for single occupancy.
You will need to get yourself to Memphis by noon on October 16. Flights home should be arranged after 4:30 on Sunday afternoon. We are working to arrange a place to park for those who wish to drive to Memphis. If you wish to carpool, we will try to connect you with others from your area.
We will be an intentionally multi-racial group with multi-racial leadership.
There are scholarships available.
A $300 deposit is required to reserve your spot. Full payment due by October 1.
The values# guiding this pilgrimage are:
Humility: grounded in "Humility," participants learn the value of self-reflection and openness to change. Recognizing that true racial harmony requires humility and a willingness to learn, this emphasis promotes growth and transformation for all.
Hearing: The "Hearing" emphasis promotes active listening to diverse voices and stories. By truly hearing each other's experiences and struggles, we cultivate empathy and a shared commitment to justice and unity.
Heart: tapping into our "Heart" focus, we address the emotional and relational aspects of racial dynamics. This component underscores the importance of compassion and genuine connection, fostering a community of love and acceptance.
History: Delving deep into the roots of our nation's racial past, the "History" emphasis allows participants to understand the origins of racial divisions. Through knowledge of past events, we create a foundation for fostering racial harmony today.
* Sankofa is a word that comes from the Aka tribe in Ghana and it means: SAN (return), KO (go), FA (seek and take). "Go back and get it." It is a quest to learn from the past in order to ensure a strong future.
Questions? Contact Deb DeMeester