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Presbyteries and churches are busy places and the Synod of Lakes & Prairies website provides easy- access resources for leaders, office workers and pastors. In this section you’ll find best practices and resources for developing a social media and web presence, graphic design, and more.

Words and resources for use in dealing with violence.

In the face of gun violence Presbyterian Mission, an Agency of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) offers this devotion by Rev. Dr. Diane Moffett, president and executive director of the Presbyterian Mission Agency.


Jesus Wept – A devotion in response to gun violence.


Resources available to download:

Gun Violence Resources (Presbyterian Peacemaking)

Through a Mirror Dimly (Presbyterian Youth and Triennium Office)

G-NS: A Resource for Generous Dialogue about Gun Violence (PCUSA Store, For Young Adults)

How to Talk to Kids About School Shootings (Common Sense Media)


Stated Clerk mourns for those killed in latest school shooting in Texas by Rick Jones & Randy Hobson, Office of the General Assembly – May 25, 2022


Resources from Presbyterian Outlook

God, Our Nation Feels the Loss – a free hymn by Carolyn Winfrey Gillette

A call to action for White Christians following the shooting in Buffalo by Rick Ufford-Chase
Rest as resistance and refuge by Tricia Hersey, the nap bishop


A collection of prayers, writings and hymns.


Support humanitarian relief to those fleeing violence in Ukraine through Presbyterian Disaster Assistance.

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