Responsibilities of the Synod of Lakes and Prairies
The Synod of Lakes and Prairies regards appropriate church-related institutions as independent corporate institutions which aid in extending the outreach of the church, supporting the mission of the church throughout the world. It is understood the church-related institutions in which the Synod joins in covenant are not under the control of the Synod.
As it relates to colleges, universities and seminaries, the Synod of Lakes and Prairies encourages each institution of higher education to serve as a center of learning committed to providing maximal opportunities for the responsible exercise of academic freedom.
The Synod of Lakes and Prairies encourages all church-related institutions to function within the appropriate best-practices defined within their scope of defined service to society.
The Synod of Lakes and Prairies, to the extent permitted by its resources and priorities, will strengthen the work of the other church-related institutions through active concern, through certain services, and through sharing leadership.
The Synod of Lakes and Prairies, to the extent permitted by its resources and priorities, will encourage its presbyteries and congregations to support those institutions in covenant with the Synod.
Our Partners:
PC(USA) Schools in the Synod
Buena Vista University
Carroll University
Coe College
Hastings College
Macalester College
University of Dubuque Theological Seminary
University of Jamestown
Presbyterian Student Center Foundation
Presbyterian Camps & Retreat Centers
Calvin Crest
Clearwater Forest Retreat and Conference Center
Lakeshore Center at Okoboji
Native American Colleges & Universities in the Synod
Cankdeska Cikana Community College, Fort Totten, ND
Fond du Lac Tribal and Community College, Cloquet, MN
Poplar, MT
Lac Court Oreilles Community College
Chief Lake, WI
Leech Lake Tribal College, Cass Lake, MN
Nebraska Indian Community College, Thurston County, NE
Kyle, SD
Red Lake, MN
Mission, SD
Sisseton-Wahpeton Community College
Sisseton, SD
Sitting Bull College, Fort Yates, ND
Turtle Mountain Community College
Belcourt, ND
White Earth Tribal and Community College
Mahnomen, MN
*These institutions are not affiliated with the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) nor the Synod of Lakes and Prairies.
Hilcrest Family Services
Responsibilities of Institutions in Covenant with the Synod of Lakes & Prairies
Church-related institutions will make appropriate services, regardless of service type, available without respect to race and ethnicity, sexual orientation or gender.
As it relates to colleges, universities and seminaries, church-related institutions of higher education will provide opportunities for those who teach and those who learn to attain their highest possible level of achievement and by instruction in and by emphasis on human values, encouraging each person to seek and reach a significant commitment to service to individuals and society.
Church-related institutions will make available to the Synod of Lakes and Prairies, to the extent permitted by its resources, the knowledge and expertise of its staff.
Church-related institutions will be members of the appropriate national association related with the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).
Church-related institutions will be accredited, when appropriate, by the accrediting agency of its particular service area. This accreditation and re-accreditations must be reported to the Synod.
Joint Responsibilities of the Synod of Lakes & Prairies
and church-related institutions in covenant
The Synod of Lakes and Prairies and church-related institutions commit themselves to share in promoting the work of each that informs and reinforces their service to society.
The Synod of Lakes and Prairies and church-related institutions commit themselves to the active inclusion of all, regardless of race and ethnicity, sexual orientation or gender.
The Synod of Lakes and Prairies and church-related institutions commit themselves to accept the responsibilities included in all covenants as central to their declared and continuing relationship.
The Synod of Lakes and Prairies has had a long relationship with Presbyterian colleges and universities and other church-related institutions within the bounds of the Synod. We develop covenants to describe the essential basis of what can and should be a dynamic relationship between the church and individual church-related institutions.